
Annual Reports

The KIPP Bay Area Public Schools Annual Report shares student achievement, information on enrollment, student attrition, per-pupil funding, facilities, and demographics.

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In 2008, Mathematica Policy Research began a multi-year longitudinal study of KIPP middle schools. Mathematica research demonstrated four things. First, that KIPP does not attract more able students. Secondly, that KIPP schools do not have higher levels of attrition than nearby district schools. Thirdly, that KIPP has a statistically significant impact on student achievement. And lastly, that KIPP schools showed academic gains large enough to substantially reduce race and economic achievement gaps.

The National Bureau of Economics “Who Benefits from KIPP?” study showed that KIPP students showed overall gains of 0.35 standard deviations in math and 0.12 standard deviations in reading for each year spent at KIPP.

The SRI International “San Francisco Bay Area KIPP Schools: A Study of Early Implementation and Achievement” report showed that Bay Area KIPP students make above average progress compared with national norms, and they outperform their host districts.