Does your school accept students in special education? 

Yes! Each KIPP school is a public school, meaning we are required to follow all federal guidelines that require schools to adhere to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. All enrolled students are entitled to a “Free and Appropriate Public Education.” (FAPE). 

How do I know that you can provide a special education program that is appropriate?

We are required to meet the need of all enrolled students. Our school’s special education team works with you and the school to create a program specific to your student’s needs. If you’d like to learn more, please reach out to the school’s Program Specialist or Education Specialist. 

What are your supports for students with moderate-severe disabilities? 

We provide a continuum of supports and placement options that are designed by the individualized education plan (IEP) team to serve your child’s unique needs, related to their disability. We have developed a number of programs at our schools that serve as a placement option for students who meet eligibility criteria, such as a Specialized Teaching Program (STP) and Counseling Enriched program, both of which were designed to support students with moderate to severe disabilities. 

My student has been diagnosed with a particular disability. Can you support them? 

Yes! We are required by law to provide the accommodations and related services necessary to support students across one or more of the 13 disability categories recognized within the California Code of Regulations. Beyond that, we are excited to be able to work with parents/guardians and families to ensure that your child has what they need to be successful at KIPP. 

Can my student get a paraeducator? 

If your student demonstrates a need for additional support, you can talk to your school team to learn more about what ways that support can be provided. If your student already has an IEP, you have the right to request an IEP meeting in order to talk more about whether paraeducator support may be appropriate for your child. This decision is made with the entire IEP team, and may require additional assessments in order to make the most appropriate decision for your student’s needs. 

My student is struggling, how are children referred to special education? 

KIPP staff are responsible for identifying children who may have special needs. If your child is not in special dedication, but you suspect there might be. disability, make an appointment with your student’s teacher to discuss your concerns. As a result of this discussion, your child may be referred to a range of school-based supports such as office hours, tutoring, student study team (SST), 504 coordinator, or special education department. 

Who should I connect with at school to learn more?

If your child has an IEP, your first contact should be your student’s case manager. If your child does not have an IEP, you can talk to your child’s teacher to share any concerns you have.